Hi, it’s Ian from Insightful. I’m pleased to introduce you to Gail who came from Connecticut to see us today and she came in with this design here. She complained that this design restricts her foot and keeps it frozen. Is that how you described it? Correct. And especially at the toes, right? So, you noticed that when you come over the toes, you can’t move very well because of this part here. Correct, you don’t have that flex in there that you need. Right. And it’s stiff also at the ankle, right? Very. You definitely can’t get any plantarflexion out of it, maybe a little dorsiflexion if you really try hard. But you’re really walking stiff legged with this. I am. Yeah. Now that she’s got an articulated ankle which allows for a more normal range of motion, it allows her to come over the foot and she’s walking with much bigger step lengths and she’s walking much quicker. Yes, much much better. Yeah, so, we’re pleased with the results. She got the Step-Smart version called the CMT brace and the CMT Step-Smart comes with this guided calf section on the medial side. But she’s had some surgery over on that side and it was sensitive, so we just removed it and now you’re much more comfortable. So, she’s on her way and we hope you keep in touch. I will, thank you!