I’m here with Jonathan. Jonathan came from Rhode Island to come see us and he has C-M-T and he’s been wearing this big one. Can you tell us about that?
Yeah, I got this about 7 years ago when I got diagnosed and I’d been having a lot of issues on my heel. It’s good support but it’s very clunky. I went over to Ian on this product (holds up Step-Smart Classic Brace for Drop Foot) but it still wasn’t getting enough support because of the C-M-T with nerves starting to break down on the muscles. I was losing support. So, I came up here and he has a new product. I’ve got it on and it really, really is a big difference and I like it a lot.
The C-M-T style Step-Smart Brace has a metatarsal pad, has a perineal pad, top cover, has the lateral strap, but also the medial strap which gives it the counter lateral force tension which is nice for security. And then we have the guided calf section padded as well as the extended Guided Calf Section.
It works great, I love it!