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Foot Drop from Multiple Sclerosis

Video Transcript:

My name is Arlene, I am from New Jersey. I’ve had MS for 46 years and until the past 10 years I’ve been doing fine, but now I am having trouble especially with my left side. So, I came across a website with this lovely man, Ian Engelman, who makes braces that are more flexible, not rigid, and much easier to insert into shoes. So these are the shoes that I am trying to wear because they’re a little bit more fashionable and he has made my brace a little bit easier to fit into a shoe like this, and also boots which I wear all winter. It’s really important for me to wear boots and he’s going to make me a brace that will fit into this boot. And as you can see, I’m wearing the brace now with these Merrell Shoes which I wear all the time in the summer, and they’re very comfortable. I have to tell you that I did wear the brace in Russia in Red Square, walked for probably a mile, and never tripped once so that kind of sold me on this brace.

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