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Jack prefers Step-Smart over Ossur Foot-Up Updated

Video Transcript: 

Hi Ian here from Insightful Products. Today we have Jack coming from Florida to get a Step-Smart Brace. Now he had a stroke and was given a custom, molded solid ankle AFO, maybe a PLS AFO and didn’t like it. So, he went on the web and he got a an elastic solution that just wasn’t sufficient, gave him too much foot slap. So, he got a tip about Insightful Products and the Step-Smart Brace and we’re going to see him today.

It’s the uh it’s I think it’s the slap foot that bothers me the worst than anything. My doctor said that I should have a brace and the plastic white one that was made for me up in Chicago when I had the stroke uh was very sweaty very uncomfortable and I just stopped wearing it. I just didn’t like the way it felt. I couldn’t get back to Chicago obviously from Florida to get it adjusted and I think I paid or Medicare paid I don’t know seven or eight hundred dollars for it which was crazy as far as I was concerned. And the doctor told me that I should have something so I went online and found this one not knowing any better it did pull my toe up as you can see it keeps it up a little bit and it has kept me from tripping. The problem with this brace is the fact that it doesn’t do anything for the slap foot and it makes it obvious that I’m still basically a handicapped person. I don’t walk any different than I would walk without the brace other than the fact that I don’t trip quite as often. It slaps when I put it down and that’s the part that I don’t like about it. And when I went to the fly-in on Saturday over at the Sanford Airport, Dave who’s a friend of yours, Ian, caught me coming up the walk the driveway and said come here a minute please. He says I notice you have a problem with slap foot and toe drop, and I said yeah, I said I had a stroke a year and a half ago. He said hang on I gotta write some information down for you. So he gave me the name of the brace, your name, address, the whole bit phone number…here I am all the way from Florida, walking normally again uh maybe I can run now even. I wouldn’t even dare try to go any faster than this, not yet but I think maybe someday.

You’re moving fast.

I’m moving smoother yeah so yeah it’s good.

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