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Stroke patients benefit from the Step Smart AFO

Video Transcript:

So, we’re here at Insightful Products today because Barbara had her Step-Smart updated with a new um calf cuff. We’ve been coming to Ian now for more than two years and Barbara was commenting on the ride here that it’s the first time she has been pain-free, without foot pain, for more than 20 years. Barbara had a stroke in 1987. October 31, 1987 and she’s had AFO’s, traditional AFO’s ever since and they have always caused pain on her foot. On the ride here today, we were saying that it’s the first time in years that Barbara has been pain-free for the last two years since she’s had the Step-Smart device in her shoe and we’ve tried many different ones. I think I purchased everyone that’s ever been on eBay or any place on the internet. We’ve gone to at least five different brace specialists and Ian is the only one that has been able to provide her something that is pain-free and still safe and it has just been amazing so we say that he has been life-changing in terms of the quality of her life and we can’t thank him enough. We’ll be eternally grateful to him. Buy a Step-Smart. Thank you very much for everything, every day I thank you for no pain, no pain at all. In the morning and at night, thank you very much, Ian, thank you very much, godsend yeah. She wants you to shut it off now, she’s embarrassed. I know but um 16 years I taught and now, well I can’t. So part of a stroke is she’s aphasic and she’s done remarkable compared to what they said which is just…three years don’t speak at all…and and doctor has to work that’s super teach me to talk and the other person or other doctor said no hope but Dr. Nancy help. As you can see, Barbara has difficulty communicating but Ian has been very patient and he’s able to communicate with her. When she had a traditional AFO, they told us that every two years the plastic fatigued. And so, one of the reasons we came up, almost two years to the day was we needed Ian to review it to make sure that it was still strong and still effective. And the plastic, however it’s made, it does not suffer from the fatigue issues that we’ve had with the last AFO. Mind you, we would have been glad to replace it but, Ian just upgraded it and she’s good as new. So, it’s just another advantage of this device over the traditional AFO’s again just life-changing for the quality of Barbara’s life. Since she really can only use her left hand, today he changed the direction of the straps so that it would be more convenient for Barbara to be able to put it on so it’s just really there’s nothing more that we can ask for in terms of this, and she’ll be using Step-Smarts for the rest of her life. For life.

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