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Bob’s Drop Foot Solution

Today’s post is about one customer’s experience with drop foot and what he did to find a solution that worked for him!

After anterior approach hip surgery and recovery, Bob was diagnosed with Drop Foot. With a newly affected gait, he found himself compensating for his dropping foot with a high step. Bob developed new back and joint pains as a result of high stepping to avoid tripping over his foot.

Bob went to his doctor in search of a solution and was given one option, a big bulky AFO (see image below). Bob was disappointed to learn that he would have to wait 5-6 weeks to get this brace, that he couldn’t even fit in his shoes!

Feeling dissatisfied with the options presented to him, Bob took to the internet to do some research on his own. His search led him to Insightful Products! After chatting with the Insightful Products team, Bob decided the Step-Smart Drop Foot Brace was the best option for him. Bob decided he wanted to travel all the way to the source, our headquarters in Southern Maine, for an in-person consultation and fitting!

Check out the video below to hear Bob’s talk about why he chose the Step-Smart Drop Foot Brace



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