If you have drop foot and wear an AFO on one foot, you may need to wear a foot orthotic on the other foot to help balance your gait. Most AFO’s, including the Step-Smart for drop foot treatment, add extra thickness under the dropped foot resulting in an imbalance with no extra material under the other foot. In order to level or balance both feet, an orthotic, such as OrthoticMe, can help raise the other foot to be in balance with the dropped foot.
Video Transcript:
Hi, welcome back to Foot of the Week. Ian Engelman here from Insightful Products. I’m here with Dustin. Dustin’s had a Step Smart brace for about 5 months now and it’s worked out for you.
Yeah, it’s worked out great.
Awesome. We have a visit here today from Dustin because he’s got what they call leg length discrepancy. So, because he’s got a little bit of a height addition from the brace on the right side, he’s going to need something for the left side, and we have a product called OrthoticME to put in his left shoe. What this will do is even out the heights, so his hips become level. This slips right in. This is what’s called 3/4 length and you wouldn’t take out any insert that comes in the shoe because you need to have something underneath the toes, so we just leave that in there. How does that feel?
Ok just stand still for a second. Does that feel even on both sides?
Yeah. It feels more even.
Ok, stand right here. Just face me here. Let’s just check your hips. Okay, that looks about right. So, you’re probably maybe an eighth of an inch or maybe even three sixteenths of an inch higher on your right side but now we’ve evened you up so you should be all set. a little higher on the left side.
Alright, thank you.
Thanks for coming in Dustin. That’s it for Foot of the Week. We’ll see you next week.