
Category: Step Smart Pro

Comparing all the Models of the Step-Smart Brace for Drop Foot

Hi, it’s Ian from Insightful Products. We realize that since we started with the Step-Smart Brace that we’ve added features and specified some braces for certain conditions, and I just wanted to go over that quicky for you so that when you order a Step-Smart brace, you have a better idea of what’s best for you.


Step Smart Pro Testimonial – Chris with Flail Foot

Hey there, it’s Ian from Insightful. We have Chris here who came from Framingham, MA, and he has flail foot and flail foot is, um, a type of pathology where you don’t have any plantarflexion or dorsiflexion, and the Step-Smart Brace tends to do very well for that kind of pathology as well…


The Step Smart Pro Explained

Ian here from Insightful. We’d like to introduce the Step-Smart Pro. The difference between the Step-Smart Pro and the regular Step-Smart is that the Step-Smart Pro comes with a Guided Calf Section. This goes on the medial side, so it keeps the calf section in alignment…