
Category: Success Stories

Drop Foot Brace for active lifestyle

My first brace was an immobile one. It didn’t allow me any freedom at the ankle or the foot whatsoever and I knew I had to find something. And with the search, I found the steps Step Smart which I love and I’ve been wearing it since. And I’m very, very active with my lifestyle…


Step-Smart Success Story – Brad V.

Meet Brad Vangilder, he’s an Oil Manager for an energy company in Virginia, a personal trainer, and a long-time user of the Step-Smart Brace. Hear about his #dropfoot journey and what he thinks of the Step-Smart Brace for Drop Foot.


The Step-Smart Brace for Drop Foot: Joseph’s Testimonial

A few years ago, Joseph Saenz, a makeup artist and actor in Los Angeles, found himself in a near-death situation. As a result of a medical emergency, he developed #dropfoot. Looking for a solution to get back to the activities he enjoys, he “stumbled” upon the Step-Smart Brace by Insightful Products. And, as they say in Hollywood, the rest is history!


Bicycling with Drop Foot

Robert came to us a while back needing a Brace for his Drop Foot caused by a bad knee injury. Now almost a year later Robert is able to ride his bicycle! He rides about 10 to 12 miles a day and getting ready to race in the Trek Across Maine next year!



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