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Video Resources

Video Resources We’re happy to provide this library of videos to help inform and educate you about our drop foot braces. Here you’ll find product


Exercises for Drop Foot

Drop Foot, also known as foot drop, is a condition where you have difficulty lifting the front part of your foot, making it challenging to walk and maintain balance. Here are some general exercises and strategies that may help improve the strength and function of the muscles involved in foot dorsiflexion (lifting the foot).


Blaze® Brace Videos

Blaze® Brace Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovqWb2vRZLg The Blaze BraceGet to know the parts of the Blaze Brace. Video Transcript https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFWk_85my58 A Blaze Brace TestimonialRuth lets us know how


Step-Smart® Brace Comparisons

How The Step-Smart® Brace Compares To Other Braces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah5JkcRtxH8 Comparing The Step-Smart Brace for Drop Foot to other AFO’s- a MS patient’s testimonialMeet Mary. She


What’s in your Step Smart Box?

You’ll find in your box the Step-Smart Brace, two additional bumper sets (green and black), a Velcro horseshoe, and a pamphlet. The front of the pamphlet will have all of our contact information if you ever have any questions. Watch this video to learn more.