
Category: Success Stories

Step Smart Pro Testimonial – Chris with Flail Foot

Hey there, it’s Ian from Insightful. We have Chris here who came from Framingham, MA, and he has flail foot and flail foot is, um, a type of pathology where you don’t have any plantarflexion or dorsiflexion, and the Step-Smart Brace tends to do very well for that kind of pathology as well…


CMT Step Smart Testimonial

Hey there, it’s Ian from Insightful. We have Chris here who came from Framingham, MA, and he has flail foot and flail foot is, um, a type of pathology where you don’t have any plantarflexion or dorsiflexion, and the Step-Smart Brace tends to do very well for that kind of pathology as well…


Drop Foot Brace for active lifestyle

My first brace was an immobile one. It didn’t allow me any freedom at the ankle or the foot whatsoever and I knew I had to find something. And with the search, I found the steps Step Smart which I love and I’ve been wearing it since. And I’m very, very active with my lifestyle…


Step-Smart Success Story – Brad V.

Meet Brad Vangilder, he’s an Oil Manager for an energy company in Virginia, a personal trainer, and a long-time user of the Step-Smart Brace. Hear about his #dropfoot journey and what he thinks of the Step-Smart Brace for Drop Foot.


The Step-Smart Brace for Drop Foot: Joseph’s Testimonial

A few years ago, Joseph Saenz, a makeup artist and actor in Los Angeles, found himself in a near-death situation. As a result of a medical emergency, he developed #dropfoot. Looking for a solution to get back to the activities he enjoys, he “stumbled” upon the Step-Smart Brace by Insightful Products. And, as they say in Hollywood, the rest is history!



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