Foot of the Week – Episode 1 – Custom AFO solutions
Weekly video blog featuring Insightful Product’s AFO strategies for Foot and Ankle Problems and ankle bracing.
Weekly video blog featuring Insightful Product’s AFO strategies for Foot and Ankle Problems and ankle bracing.
This video describes the history of the Step-Smart Brace and its biomechanical advantages
he Step-Smart can be tailored to each patient’s specific dorsi-assist and shock absorption requirements by choosing one of the 5 available settings
The Funnel for the foot shoe horn is an alternative to the long-handled shoe horn and makes shoe donning easier for those that have trouble bending, twisting, and reaching.
There are a variety of casting techniques used for custom AFO’s or custom ankle braces. The video describes the best casting techniques and strategies that can be used to optimize custom bracing outcomes.
Sometimes custom bracing is the only solution for such things as Posterior Tibial Dysfunction (PTTD).
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