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Category: Custom Ankle Braces

Unilateral Orthotic for Drop Foot treatment

If you have drop foot and wear an AFO on one foot, you may need to wear a foot orthotic on the other foot to help balance your gait. Most AFO’s, including the Step-Smart for drop foot treatment, add extra thickness under the dropped foot resulting in an imbalance with no extra material under the other foot. In order to level or balance both feet, an orthotic, such as OrthoticMe, can help raise the other foot to be in balance with the dropped foot.


Foot of the Week – Episode 6 – AFO Solutions

In this week’s video blog, we show you our preferred method of “ankle brace casting” for a custom AFO. Although, we will take any type of cast, we prefer the STS sock, ranging from STS slipper casts, 3/4 length STS casts and full length STS sock casts.



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